Oprogramowanie do symulacji inżynierskich TracePro


SPECTROPOL is a distributor of the renowned company Lambda Research Corporation, which has been providing advanced opto-mechanical design environments for over 30 years. Lambda Research is one of the key players in the optical industry, supporting both university programs, research initiatives, and industrial applications.

Their award-winning software helps designers create innovative solutions, from LED lighting to space telescopes. An intuitive interface and world-class technical support set them apart in the market.

TracePro is software for designing, analyzing, and optimizing optical systems.


In what areas is TracePro used?

Light measurement (Illumination)

Imaging Optics

Non-imaging Optics

It includes techniques and devices used to measure light intensity, distribution and quality in various conditions. Light measurement is key in the design of lighting systems to ensure optimal lighting conditions for various applications.

Refers to optical systems that are designed to create images. Telescopes, microscopes, and cameras are examples of devices that use imaging optics. These systems focus light to produce a clear image of an object.

It includes optical techniques and systems that are not designed to produce images but are used for other purposes, such as concentrating, dispersing, or directing light. Examples include Fresnel lenses and reflectors used in lighting systems or photovoltaics.


Fields of application



Working modes

Analysis mode

Analysis mode is used to trace a moderate number of rays (hundreds to thousands) with complete freedom to interactively analyze the results on any surface.

Simulation mode

Simulation mode is used to trace multiple rays (millions, billions, or trillions) to accurately simulate the system.


3 types of licenses and their functionalities

We offer three different editions of TracePro, tailored to different needs and budgets. Each edition provides functionalities that can meet both basic and advanced user requirements, allowing you to optimally match the software to a specific project. This allows you to choose the edition that best suits your budget and technical specifications, while ensuring the highest quality and efficiency of work.

TracePro LC

TracePro Standard

TracePro Expert

The LC version is ideal for many lighting and fiber optic applications, but its functionality has some limitations.

The Standard version is ideal for most optical and lighting design and analysis tasks.

The Expert version provides essential features for advanced lighting design and life science applications.


FEATURESTracePro LCTracePro StandardTracePro Expert
User-friendly CAD InterfaceTAKTAKTAK
Interoperability with commercial CAD and Lens Design Software
Material property catalogs of commercially available glass, plastics, metals, GRINs, fluorophores and biological tissue
Surface property catalogs of commercially available thin film coatings, anodizing, paints
Library of commercially available lenses and filters
Notes Editor
Source Property Generator
Surface Property Generator
DMD Texture Generator
IES/LDT Import and Analysis
Solar Emulator
Full-featured Macro Language (Scheme)NIE
Macro Recorder
Scheme Editor
Interactive Optimizer
Texture Optimizer II (Real Geometry)NIE
Fluorescence Property Generator
Geometry ModelerTAKNIE


SOLID MODELINGTracePro LCTracePro StandardTracePro Expert
CAD File Import/Export   
Creo – Pro/EREAD
AutoCAD files
Lens Design File Import   
CAD Features   
Solid ModelingTAK
Boolean Operations
Healing Imported Files
3D Interactive View
Rendered Objects
Transparent Objects
Measurement Capabilities
Photorealistic Rendering



PROPERTIESTracePro LCTracePro StandardTracePro Expert
Surface PropertyTAKTAKTAK
Bulk Absorption
Bulk Scatter
Thin Film Stacks
Diffraction Gratings
Temperature-Dependent Properties
Direction-Sensitive Surfaces
Scatter Models – SymmetricTAK
Scatter Models – AsymmetricNIE
Anisotropic Surface Properties
Tabular Scatter Models – Symmetric
Tabular Scatter Models – Asymmetric
BSDF Property
Repetitive Tile (RepTile) SurfacesNIE
3D Textures for RepTile
Temperature Distributions
Wire Grid Polarizers



RAYTRACETracePro LCTracePro StandardTracePro Expert
Ray SplittingTAK
Analysis Mode
Simulation Mode
Multiple Exit Surfaces (Simulation Mode)
Voxelization of Object Space – enhance speed vs. memory consumption
Importance SamplingNIETAK
Stratified Importance Sampling
Reverse Raytrace


 TracePro LCTracePro StandardTracePro Expert
Irradiance MapsTAK
Candela Plots (Intensity)
Flux Reports
3D Irradiance Maps
File Output
Ray Sorting
Path Sort Table
Analysis Toolkit (Spectral, Road Luminance, Beam Illuminance, RCG, LCS, and DHI Analysis, & more)
Lighting Toolkit (Specifications: ECE, SAE, FMVSS, StVZO, ABYC, User Defined)
Irradiance/Illuminance Viewer
Display Selected Rays (Ensquared Flux)
Display Selected Paths (Ray Display, Irradiance Map)
CIE (xy), CIE (u’ν’), RGB
Polarization MapsNIETAK
Volume Flux

Dostępne dla wszystkich trzech wersji:

  • Ray Grids – Siatki promieni
  • Surface Sources – Źródła powierzchniowe
  • Image Sources – Źródła obrazów
  • Primitive Solids – Proste bryły
  • User Defined Shapes – Kształty zdefiniowane przez użytkownika
  • Blackbody/Graybody – Ciało doskonale czarne / ciało szare
  • Irradiance – Napromieniowanie
  • Asymmetric Sources – Źródła asymetryczne
  • Source Files – Pliki źródłowe
  • Bit Map Source Module – Moduł źródłowy mapy bitowej


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